Friday, May 18, 2012

An open letter to Lord Coe, David Beckham and Boris Johnson #Olympics #torchrelay

Dear Seb, David, and Boris,

Tonight, I watched the Olympic flame arrive. Well done. Nice work. I don't mind admitting I had a tear in my eye. Alas, I'm still waiting to hear what, if any, my involvement with the Olympics entails.

With only 69 days to go, I'm still waiting for the outcome of my application to be a Games Maker to be resolved. Back in October 2011, I was called for interview for the Transport Team. Before my interview, I called up and said that I'd actually applied for the media team. I was told to come for interview anyway, since I could be re-allocated to the media team.

I attended the interview. I met the team leader. She said she'd re-allocate me to the media team. I heard nothing until April, when I received an email telling me that I had been allocated bus duties in the Transport team. I called to enquire what had happened. I was told that my application would be looked at again, in respect of vacancies in the media team.

I don't mean to overstate my experience or ability. However, I do run a successful media company. I've been a journalist for over 30 years. I've written several books on media. I'm a regular TV and radio guest on media topics. I speak all over the world about media. I'm a consultant to many large companies on their media strategies. I live four miles from the Olympic site. I'm delighted the Olympics is on my doorstep.

All I wanted to do was play a small part in the media side of the games. I can't understand why I've been given such little feedback, and nothing to do.

I will probably take my family abroad on holiday instead. I can't bear to be so close to the Olympics and yet so detached from it. My family and I were so excited when London won the bid. Now we're utterly disillusioned.

However, there is one small flickering flame of hope. One of you may read this and finally get in touch with me to let me know I can play a small part in the success of the games. But time is rapidly running out.

Could I please have a response? Even "Alan, we don't want you" would prevent me from hanging on with rapidly fading hope.

Thank you.

Alan Stevens FPSA, MCIPR, PSAE

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