Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Media Coach 29th November 2019

How not to handle a crisis; Off to Dublin; Clive James; VR for cows; The danger of “winging it”; They didn't ask the right questions; take it up a notch; An interview with Lisa Braithwaite; Music from Rob Corcoran

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Media Coach 22nd November 2019

Election fever pitch (or not); Speaker coaching; The MediaMug curse; Chris Martin; Prince Andrew; Why do audiences remember you?; The really tough questions; Manners or Etiquette?; An interview with Mike Robertson; Music from Robbie Boyd

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Media Coach 15th November 2019

A new book comes out; An election Zzzzz; Sir Rod Stewart of Railways; Not the right Time; Making things clear; Love at first bite; Four networks, three tips each; An interview with Mia Liljeberg; Music from the Dustbowl Revival

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 07, 2019

The Media Coach 8th November 2019

The DNA results are in; Anthony Gormley; A new BritBox; James Cleverly - or not; Doctor King’s Rhetoric; Hook Line and Sinker; Three reasons to blog; An interview with Heather Waring; Music from Mick Terry

Check out this episode!