Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Media Coach 29th May 2020

Thanks very much Mum; The big story of the week; Jacinda in an earthquake; Donald and Twitter; 7 deadly assumptions; How a journalist reads our media release; Keep on running; An interview with Andy Lopata; Music from Mick Terry

Check out this episode!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Media Coach 22nd May 2020

The new Buzz words; A new book from Andy Lopata; An amazing romantic gesture; ABC fail; 7 ways to make an online event amazing; What will they ask?; I saw your name somewhere; An interview with Marius Barnard; Music from the 1957 Tail Fin Fiasco

Check out this episode!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Media Coach 15th May 2020

The Leadership Lockdown Conference; The Future of Podcasting; BBC4; Eric Trump; Who said that?; Current, Credible, Concise; It’s all in the delivery; An interview with Gary Bailey; Music from The 1957 Tail-Fin Fiasco

Check out this episode!

Thursday, May 07, 2020

The Media Coach 8th May 2020

A Friday off; A TED talk; The New Norman; Florian Schneider; It’s not really a tiger; The promise of the premise; I’m not here to discuss that; Robby the Robot goes Social Networking; An interview with Dr Sue Mitchell; Music from Jim Boggia

Check out this episode!